Based in the tech hub of the world, Silicon Valley, and founded by tech industry executive, Keiana Chisholm, affectionately known as ‘Kiki,’ The STEM Kidz was created to harness the power of STEM education through the simplicity of play.
When she began her career in technology and innovation, she never imagined one day having a company that takes the best in top STEM curriculum and provides that knowledge through toys. However, in a constantly evolving digital era, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) has never been more crucial to the future generations success. Kiki couldn’t imagine not doing what she could to bring about change.
STEM is at the core of our everyday life. From the mobile devices that we use to the rockets that we launch into space, life has never been more about working smarter instead of harder than it is now!
STEM education is a revolutionary way of incorporating both theoretical and practical skills into young minds from an early age, preparing them for life in a scientific and technologically based 21st century.
Our interactive games and toys highlight learning through play. Whether your child is learning to code and design, interested in data science and ecology, or doing science experiments with bubbles, coins, and lava - we’ve got a game for that!
At STEM KIDZ we guarantee that our toys won’t just entertain your child but, help them develop advanced cognitive STEM skills.