Wow Me Mechanics Wheels, Axles and Inclined Planes | Science + Engineering | Ages: 8+ yrs.

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  • Bring complex concepts into clear focus for budding engineers and scientists with award winning components and step by step illustrated assembly instructions.
  • Ages: 11+
  • Learn how wheels and axles use friction to move objects easily and the mechanical advantage between large wheels and small wheels
  • Build 14 working models such as a mobile staircase, Levered ramp with car, tractor, tow truck and more.
  • Includes 18 pages of theory and facts, a 4 page quiz, 6 pages of experimental activities illustrating uses of wheels, axels and inclined Planes, 14 pages of step by step, 3D instructions
  • Models illustrated online at Engino website or using the Engino 3D app downloadable free for Android or Apple iOS. Made in CYPRUS
KiKi's Insight: The construction "blue prints" are easy to follow. The parts go together and come apart fairly easily.Very fun yet practical adjunct to introducing students to STEM.